Thursday, December 20, 2007

New on Etsy

Here's my newest projects - they can be purchased at BumbleBaby Mommy

Reclaimed wool sweaters - made into felted knit skirts and pants. I'm currently purchasing or accepting donations for my felted sweaters. If you have a fab sweater that was ruined, email me & we'll see what I can do for you!

The pants are unisex, and all items are made from natural materials. They can be lanolized to be used as longies to cover your cloth diapers.

My next item is the favorite of the month - shopping cart covers! The covers are a large rectangle, with cut outs for baby's legs and loops to attach toys. These covers are great for a place to set baby down, a tummy time mat, a restaurant high chair cover, or anything else you can think of. Fabrics are quilted to add a small amount of cushion for baby. They can be trimmed to contrast or to match the main pattern. All covers are reversible. (Notice Ava is modeling another style of felted pants in this photo too)

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pants. WAY, cute. I sew too!!! Check out my eco-blog page- (my first post), I've been sewing grocery totes from old bed sheets, recyled fabric, etc. I'm planning to make mittens out of an old wool sweater. Have you tried booties, yet? Maybe, you can give me some hints. I'm really glad you stopped by and left a comment. I like your site too! I hope you do well at etsy. Cute stuff, for sure.
